Sometimes life gets busy.
I've had some challenges with feeling on top of things these last few weeks.
Quiet Time
Yard Work
I enjoy each task, yet somehow when time gets tight, the buildup steals my joy.
Breakfast on the go looked like this at least a couple of times last week. :/ |
It's a good thing that I don't have to conjure up my own happiness. I needed to be reminded of that this week. A new
Bible Study I've started recently was just what I needed to bring things back into focus. I'm not doing it all on my own - nor should I be.
As I'm walking in the Spirit, all these things will manifest themselves:
Self Control
In other news - God blessed us this week in a way we were not expecting. Braden's car died about a month ago and since then we've been making do with my truck and his 2 wheeled vehicles. It really hasn't been that bad. But, we were anticipating a long drawn out car hunt looking for a particular make of van in our price range. That's difficult enough in a well populated area, let along in our small town. We were even in the midst of planning a whole day of car shopping in Sacramento when my Facebook feed included a post from a church friend here in town looking to sell a van - our van!
We are so thankful for how the Lord provided this new addition. Braden has been suggesting some classic 'Soccer Mom' names for her. Haha! I don't care, I'll not have to heft heavy bags of chicken feed and water bottles into the bed of my truck any longer. Call me crazy, but I'm excited to enter the Taxi Mama world.
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