By the time we hit up WINCO, Goodwill, Whole Foods, and Costco we were a little more drained, but thankful for a productive trip. It's always nice to have lots of fresh fruits and veggies around the house and I scored big with a pair of second-hand fully lined Gap pants for Ryder at $2 - bring on the cooler weather!
But grocery shopping is just one of the changes I have had to make since the move. Another, especially for us military wives, is getting to know new people and making new friends in a new town. This is just my second big move, so I'm not as seasoned as some of you, but I wanted to share a few ways that I've been able to get the job done. And for a task-oriented homebody, such as myself, it really takes effort to make this happen.
In WA, I became involved with Bible Study Fellowship.* As a newly-wed in a new town...country, actually...having just found out I was pregnant and with a husband about to deploy, I knew that I would need a greater network of support than just myself. And, I knew that I would benefit from the structure of a daily Bible study outline. The following year, while my husband was deployed, I became a small group leader and was stretched even more, but through it all, I was blessed to know I was being prayed for, encouraged and upheld by my newfound friends. For anyone interested, there are classes all over the world and plenty in the USA and Canada. Participation is absolutely free and excellent childcare is provided. Even the newborns in their children's class would hear a Bible story and have hymns sung to him each week!
Here in NV, BSF was out of the question because the nearest class was an hour+ commute. With a one year old and another on the way, I knew there was no way I could commit on a consistent basis. So, when an elderly neighbour lady and then a fellow military spouse recommended MOPS,* I decided to check it out. Today was the second meeting I attended, so keep that in mind as I give my review. In our small Navy town, it's been great to meet a number of young moms used to a similar military lifestyle. While MOPS is sponsored by a local church, it's definitely not geared for the depth of spiritual growth that BSF is striving for, but it is a great way to meet other women and build relationships.
Both organizations have been a way for me to fulfil the commands given to women in Titus 2 - as a 'younger' woman, observing and being taught, and as an 'older' woman, exemplifying and teaching.
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Titus 2:3-5 ESV |
If you have any questions about either organization, I would love to share more info with you. Just contact me via e-mail address listed under my profile.
Have a fabulous day!
Jayne :)
*Disclaimer - No Christian organization or church is perfect. There may be things that you and I may find controversial about any entity, but as long as the integrity and sufficiency of scripture and the character of God are upheld, I am happy to participate and support these groups.
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