Today we celebrate one of my favourite holidays (after Christmas, of course). Normally Thanksgiving is accompanied by a heavily laden table with delicious dishes, but this year for the first time since becoming a US resident, I'll have to celebrate without turkey. It just didn't fit into our family schedule.
But that's ok, we found a few creative ways to make the day special - and when you really think about it, this day isn't all about food anyway, right?
And so we started our day as we do most days, with breakfast (only today we got to enjoy a leisurely breakfast with Braden before he had to head off to work!), clean-up, a road run, shower, and then we were off to run some errands.
Thankful for a beautiful hay field on our drive this morning. |
I have a Thanksgiving DIY project on my mind, so we picked up the necessary supplies for that, had a great time at the library choosing new story books for Ryder, even found a few small Christmas gifts (not made in China, which can be a challenge) to send to Ryder's cousins, and finally we ended up at Starbucks where Ryder and I had a great little date savouring pumpkin spice lattes and sharing a thick slice of pumpkin loaf. Mmmmm....
Looking forward to getting to my little holiday craft while Ryder is still sleeping.
Check back, I'll be posting pictures once it's complete.
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