Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Lesson From Hannah

Our small group from church is currently studying through the Old Testament. This week we began 1 Samuel. I've read the story of Hannah and Samuel a dozen times, but this particular time, something new stood out to me. 

Hannah was a heartbroken woman. She was beloved of her husband, but childless and forced to endure mocking from a rival wife. And yet, what was her response?

She prayed, 'pouring out [her] soul before the Lord. (v.15)
'Then the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.' (v. 18)

1 Samuel 1

But wait...

Hannah hadn't received an answer to her prayer yet - yes or no. She hadn't done anything but share her burdens with her God.  Yet she trusted Him.

Hannah prayed and left her worries in God's hands.

What was the proof that she was trusting Him?
1. Her appetite returned
2. Her countenance changed

And that's the greatest application I took away from our study. Once I've prayed and given my burdens over to God, I can leave with the same peace that Hannah experienced. And if you are God's child, you can too. What an encouragement!

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